The Story of a Critical Issue With Kafka
Recently, I’ve had an unfortunate opportunity to deal with a very unexpected issue with Kafka that had quite terrible consequences. The exact origin of the issue is yet to be discovered; nevertheless, the process leading to the final solution to the problem and the fix itself were interesting enough that I decided to write a quick blog post about it as it might be potentially valuable to someone who also encounters a similar problem.
How the issue was diagnosed
Suddenly, after one of the deployments (nothing related to any change around Kafka or karafka
/ruby-kafka gems that we use in the app) we’ve started to receive a massive number of error traces in Datadog APM (precisely, Kafka::ConnectionError: Connection error Errno::ETIMEDOUT: Connection timed out
inside kafka.request.join_group
span) and the number of API calls drastically decreased as well (expressed by api.calls{*}
metric from ruby-kafka
integration with Datadog APM). It turned that no consumer was able to join the consumer group for this particular application. What was even more strange, the config for this application and its Karafka consumers was the same as for other applications, so there must have been something about this consumer group.
But to verify this, we had to check if it was possible to join this consumer group from a different application, e.g., from the Rails console. There is no simple API for doing such a thing, so the only thing left to me was to study the code of ruby-kafka and figure out how to connect all the dots. That was quite an effort, but I eventually came up with something looking like this:
seed_brokers = ENV["KAFKA_SEED_BROKERS"]
client_id = "the_name_of_the_consumer_group"
client = seed_brokers, client_id: client_id)
group_id = "the_name_of_the_consumer_group"
consumer = client.consumer(group_id: group_id)
cluster = client.consumer(group_id: group_id).instance_variable_get("@cluster")
cg = cluster, logger: Rails.logger, group_id: group_id, session_timeout: 10, rebalance_timeout: 10, retention_time: -1, instrumenter: instrumenter = client_id), assignment_strategy: nil)
It’s super hacky and dirty (especially using instance_variable_get
), but it did the job. The result was that it was possible to join all the consumer groups from the different applications except this problematic one! That meant the issue was not with the application but something on the Kafka cluster side. As the cluster is not a self-hosted one but an AWS MSK service, we had limited capabilities to debug the problem. However, we needed the fix as soon as possible.
Well, if the problem is just with one consumer group, why not create the new one? And manually set the offset for every topic/partition just like in the original consumer group so that we don’t need to reprocess all the events?
How the issue was addressed
It turned out that it’s a straightforward thing to do, and the offsets are the only thing we care about. That way, it made hardly a difference for the application if it uses the original consumer group or the new one.
To get the offsets for all topics and partitions, I ran the following command: --describe --group the_name_of_the_consumer_group --bootstrap-server KAFKA_SERVER_URI
The output followed this pattern:
the_name_of_the_consumer_group topic_name 1 123 124 1 - - -
the_name_of_the_consumer_group topic_name 2 100 200 100 - - -
// more topic/partitions
What I had to do in the next step was to extract TOPIC/PARTITION/CURRENT-OFFSET values and prepare commands that will set the offsets for the new consumer group, let’s call it the_name_of_the_consumer_group_2
. Easily doable with few lines of Ruby.
To set the offset for a given topic/partition for the new consumer group, it turned out that it needed to be done in 2 steps:
- Reset the offset (set to beginning): --bootstrap-server KAFKA_SERVER_URI --group the_name_of_the_consumer_group_2 --reset-offsets --to-earliest --topic TOPIC_WITH_PARTITIONS --execute
The expected format of TOPIC_WITH_PARTITIONS
is e.g. topic_name:1
- Shift offset (from 0) by a given value: --bootstrap-server KAFKA_SERVER_URI --group the_name_of_the_consumer_group_2 --reset-offsets --shift-by OFFSET --topic TOPIC_WITH_PARTITIONS --execute
To prepare the script with interpolated TOPIC_WITH_PARTITIONS
values, I performed the following steps:
- Assign output to the
variable (excluding the headers):
config = "the_name_of_the_consumer_group topic_name 1 123 124 1 - - -
the_name_of_the_consumer_group topic_name 2 100 200 100 - - -"
- Build the commands:
commands = config.split("\n").map do |line|
topic = [line.split(/\s+/)[1], line.split(/\s+/)[2]].join(":")
offset = line.split(/\s+/)[3]
" --bootstrap-server KAFKA_SERVER_URI --group the_name_of_the_consumer_group_2 --reset-offsets --to-earliest --topic #{topic} --execute ; --bootstrap-server KAFKA_SERVER_URI --group the_name_of_the_consumer_group_2 --reset-offsets --shift-by #{offset} --topic #{topic} --execute"
I executed these commands, changed the name of the consumer group in the application form the_name_of_the_consumer_group
to the_name_of_the_consumer_group_2
, and everything was fine again!
Wrapping up
When using any complex piece of tech like Kafka, it’s essential to not only have proper monitoring established but also have a good understanding of how it works. That knowledge will definitely pay off if some unexpected issue happens.