JavaScript: The Surprising Parts

Do you think you know all the surprising parts of JavaScript? Some of these "features" may look as if the language was broken, but it's not necessarily the case. Things like variables hoisting, variables scope, behaviour of this are quite intentional and besides just being different from most of other programming languages, there is nothing particularly wrong with them. However, there are still some things that are quite surprising about JavaScript. Let's take a look at some of them.

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Ember and ES7: async / await

In the previous blog post we were exploring a new wonderful feature coming with ECMAScript 7: decorators. This time we are going to learn about async / await, which is at this moment at Stage 3 in TC39 process, which means it's already a release candidate that passed Proposal and Draft stages. Just like decorators, it's already available in Babel. Let's see what kind of benefits does it offer.

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