Advanced Ember Data Customization - Different Model Types in Ember App and API For The Same Resource

A great advantage of using Ember Data with JSONAPI-compliant adapters/serializers is that there is almost nothing extra needed to work with the data layer - just create the models with names matching the types of the resources returned by the API and you are good to go! However, sometimes you may need to customize the naming which means that the names of the models in the Ember application will be different than the ones expected by the API and their corresponding types. What are the steps required to make it work in Ember Data?

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Implementing non-RESTful actions with Ember Data

In my recent post I mentioned some strategies of handling non-strictly CRUD / RESTful actions in API. One of them was adding extra actions beyond creating, updating and deleting resources. As it's not a standard solution and some data layers on client side (like Ember Data) don't handle it out-of-box, I was asked by some developers what's the best way to handle such actions. So let's see how can we hack into Ember Data and make it smooth.

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