Ember Tips: Testing Outgoing HTTP Requests

Ember.js is a web frontend framework and it’s no surprise that majority of the applications deal with a lot of HTTP requests. But such fact has a lot of implications on the process of development of the Ember apps, especially when it comes to testing. For basic GET requests which don’t include any query params or don’t deal with pagination it’s quite straight-forward - for those we just want to fetch some data, so we can check if proper objects are present as a side-effect of these requests. What about POST, PATCH or DELETE requests, where we can’t easily test the side effects?

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Ember Tips: Managing Timeouts And Delays

Timeouts and delays are quite extensively used in many applications when deferring execution of some action via Ember.run.later or debouncing via Ember.run.debounce. Having small amounts of tests executing such methods might not be a problem initially, but obviously, as the application grows, this can easily lead to slow test suite which takes minutes to finish due to the waiting for all the timeouts and delays in many places. Let’s try to find the best solution to solve this problem.

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JavaScript Tips: Redefining userAgent property

Imagine a use case where you are trying to check if a user accessed your app from a mobile device or not. Most likely you will need to use navigator.userAgent property and craft some smart regular expression to test for the presence of particular expression, like (/Mobi/.test(navigator.userAgent) which seems to be the recommended way to do it. Ok, so we’re almost done with our feature, we just need to add some tests to make sure it works as expected. But there’s a problem - you can’t redefine userAgent property with just using a setter! Fortunately, there is a way to solve this problem.

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JavaScript: The Surprising Parts

Do you think you know all the surprising parts of JavaScript? Some of these "features" may look as if the language was broken, but it's not necessarily the case. Things like variables hoisting, variables scope, behaviour of this are quite intentional and besides just being different from most of other programming languages, there is nothing particularly wrong with them. However, there are still some things that are quite surprising about JavaScript. Let's take a look at some of them.

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Ember Tips: Computed Properties And Arrow Functions? Not A Good Idea

Arrow function expressions were definitely a great addition in ES6 and thanks to tools like babel the new syntax has been quite widely adopted. Besides more concise syntax, an interesting thing about arrow function expressions is that they preserve the context, i.e. they don't define their own this, which was sometimes annoying and resulted in assigning that or self variables to keep the outer context that could be referred inside functions. As great as it sounds, arrow function expressions cannot be used in all cases. One example would be Ember computed properties.

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Ember and ES7: async / await

In the previous blog post we were exploring a new wonderful feature coming with ECMAScript 7: decorators. This time we are going to learn about async / await, which is at this moment at Stage 3 in TC39 process, which means it's already a release candidate that passed Proposal and Draft stages. Just like decorators, it's already available in Babel. Let's see what kind of benefits does it offer.

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Ember and ES7: decorators

ES6 introduced plenty of useful features such as modules, arrow functions, let variables, destructuring, classes and many more which made writing JS code much readable and enjoyable. Thanks to Babel, a JavaScript transpiler, it's been pretty painless to use them all in the applications. If you happen to develop EmberJS apps and use ember-cli, you don't probably think much about Babel or any transpilation as these features are a natural part of every Ember application. But the new features didn't end with ES6, we're going to have even more of them in ES7 (2016). Some of them can already be used, thanks again to Babel. In this blogpost I'm going to explore a very powerful concept which of decorators.

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Embarking on Programming Journey

Recently I've been repeatedly asked how to get started with programming, especially Ruby and Rails. To keep things DRY and make sure I always include all great resources for learning, I decided to write this blog post. Most of people who asked me had never programmed before or had done some coding before in other languages, but are not (yet) proficient developers, so if you are a total beginner or just started learning Ruby / Rails and you are not sure what the next step is then you came to the right place.

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